Business Glossary-Term List
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Search on:One who packages mortgages for sale as securities.
Term Source: MBA Glossary
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MBAGlossary
One of three major parties involved with SISAC, issuers are the parties responsible for the creation and life cycle management of identity credentials for electronic signatures.
Term Source: MBA Glossary
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MBAGlossary
See Certificate Authority. This term is also defined in the MERS� eRegistry Procedures Manual available at
Term Source: MISMO eMortgage Glossary
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #eMortgageGlossary
In some states, a form of general partnership with some of the features of a corporation. Stockholders are legally liable for the debts of the company.
Term Source: MBA Glossary
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MBAGlossary
An association formed for a specific purpose and duration between two or more parties to own and/or develop real estate. A joint venture may take a variety of legal forms, including partnership, tenancy in common or corporation.
Term Source: MBA Glossary
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MBAGlossary
Owner or lessor of real property.
Term Source: MBA Glossary
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MBAGlossary
One holding rights of possession and use of property under the terms of a lease. Also see TENANT.
Term Source: MBA Glossary
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MBAGlossary
London Interbank Offered Rate, which is the average rate of interest that major London banks are willing to pay each other for U.S. dollar deposits for various terms.
Term Source: MBA Glossary
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MBAGlossary
A form of business ownership that consists of one or more general partners who are fully liable, and one or more limited partners who are liable only for the amount of their investment.
Term Source: MBA Glossary
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MBAGlossary
A government agency that monitors and implements programs to satisfy community housing development needs.
Term Source: MBA Glossary
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MBAGlossary
The party named in a loss payable clause to whom insurance proceeds are to be paid in the event of damage to property in which the loss payee has an insurable interest. Loss payees include automobile lienholders and property mortgagees.
Term Source: MBA Glossary
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MBAGlossary
The first private secondary market for the sale of conventional mortgages insured by the Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation (MGIC).
Term Source: MBA Glossary
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MBAGlossary
In commercial property, firms which are key lessees/tenants because of their high credit standing, the amount of space they occupy and/or the percentage of gross rent they pay.
Term Source: MBA Glossary
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MBAGlossary
A form of ownership in which ownership interests are publicly traded on securities exchanges, and are therefore liquid.
Term Source: MBA Glossary
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MBAGlossary
The participant named on the MERS� eRegistry that is authorized by the Controller to perform certain MERS� eRegistry transactions on the Controller's behalf. This term is also defined in the MERS� eRegistry Procedures Manual available at
Term Source: MISMO eMortgage Glossary
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #eMortgageGlossary, #MBAGlossary
The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) is the�national association that represents the real estate finance industry. It is a member-based nonprofit organization. The national MBA is headquartered in Washington D.C., though it works closely in collaboration with local and state mortgage bankers associations around the country.
Term Source: MISMO Governing Documents
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MISMOApprovedAcronym
Any organization that has submitted the MISMO subscription application and the appropriate subscription fees and has been accepted as a member to MISMO.
Term Source: MISMO Governing Documents
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MISMOGOV
The highest professional designation awarded by the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers.
Term Source: MBA Glossary
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MBAGlossary
Any employee of a Member organization. May also be a consultant to a Member if designated by the Member in writing to MISMO.
Term Source: MISMO Governing Documents
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MISMOGOV
Any employee of a Member organization. May also be a consultant to a Member if designated by the Member in writing to MISMO. See also Voting Representative.
Term Source: MISMO Governing Documents
Term Type: Actor
Focus Area: #MISMOGOV
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