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Business Glossary-Term List

Welcome to the MISMO Business Glossary - your online source of mortgage industry business terms and data point descriptions. Follow the links provided for Term Type; Focus Area; and Source descriptions; complete terms of authorized usage; and a more detailed description of the MISMO Business Glossary.  Search tip:  Use quotes for an exact search (e.g., "keyword or phrase"). 

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National Association of Insurance Commissioners

Term Source: LDD Acronym

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #LDD, #MISMOApprovedAcronym

Named Insured

An individual, business or organization that is specified in the declarations by name as the insured(s) under a policy.

Term Source: MBA Glossary

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #MBAGlossary

National Association Of Home Builders (NAHB)

A national trade association located in Washington, D.C. that provides support to the building industry through lobbying and educational services.

Term Source: MBA Glossary

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #MBAGlossary

National Association Of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)

An organization whose membership consists of state insurance regulators. NAIC�s objectives are to promote uniformity in regulation by drafting model laws and regulations for adoption by the states and to provide support services to insurance departments such as examinations and statistical information.

Term Source: MBA Glossary

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #MBAGlossary, #MISMOApprovedAcronym

National Association Of Mortgage Brokers (NAMB)

Professional society for mortgage brokers which was developed to foster professional business relationships.

Term Source: MBA Glossary

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #MBAGlossary

National Association Of Realtors (NAR)

Trade association representing real estate sales professionals. Realtors is a registered trademark of the National Association, and is properly used only to describe members of the Association, not all real estate brokers or agents.

Term Source: MBA Glossary

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #MBAGlossary

National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)

National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)

Term Source: MBA Glossary

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #MBAGlossary


The Nominating Committees (NC)�s primary responsibility is to identify and develop future board members and leaders.

Term Source: MISMO Governing Documents

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #MISMOApprovedAcronym

Neighborhood Shopping Center

A group of retail businesses, providing a limited variety of convenience services for a limited area, and having common parking and ownership or management. The smallest type of shopping center, neighborhood centers usually range in size from 25,000 to 100,000 square feet.

Term Source: MBA Glossary

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #MBAGlossary

New Product Incubator

A Work Group who collaborates with MISMO Community, the Mortgage Industry, Emerging Tech Community of Practice and MISMO Product Manager in surfacing, vetting and prioritizing new product ideas.

Term Source: MISMO Governing Documents

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #MISMOGOV


National Flood Insurance Program

Term Source: LDD Acronym

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #LDD, #MISMOApprovedAcronym


Any individual who engages in one or more MISMO Development Work Group (DWG) or other activities that is not a MISMO Member or an employee of an organization that has a MISMO membership in good standing. Such activities include, but are not limited to making a Contribution, attending meetings, or participating by telephone, Internet, or e-mail. All Non- Members are �Participants� under the terms of the IPR Policy.

Term Source: MISMO Governing Documents

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #MISMOGOV

Nonprofit Sponsor

A group not motivated by profit that backs a housing project. Units can be rented on a nonprofit basis or the sponsor can allow individual, cooperative or condominium ownership.

Term Source: MBA Glossary

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #MBAGlossary

Note Holder

The person to whom the note was issued as original obligee or, if the note has been transferred, the current transferee entitled to enforce the note.

Term Source: MBA Glossary

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #MBAGlossary


Office of Foreign Assets Control

Term Source: LDD Acronym

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #LDD, #MISMOApprovedAcronym

Office Of The Comptroller Of The Currency (OCC)

Chief regulator of national banks, appointed by the President for a five-year term.

Term Source: MBA Glossary

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #MBAGlossary

Office Of Thrift Supervision (OTS)

The successor thrift regulator to the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and a division within the Treasury Department. The OTS was responsible for the examination and regulation of federally chartered and state chartered savings associations. The OTS ceased to exist in October 2011.

Term Source: MBA Glossary

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #MBAGlossary, #MISMOApprovedAcronym

Open Financial Exchange (OFX)

Open Financial Exchange � a financial data mark- up language to facilitate online data exchanges between businesses, consumers and financial institutions.

Term Source: MBA Glossary

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #MBAGlossary


A person who solicits builders, brokers and others to obtain applications for mortgage loans. Often called a loan officer.

Term Source: MBA Glossary

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #MBAGlossary


Office of Thrift Supervision

Term Source: LDD Acronym

Term Type: Actor

Focus Area: #LDD, #MISMOApprovedAcronym


AUTHORIZED USAGE: All usage of this product is dictated by the terms and conditions within the MISMO 2018 Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy For more information, please see complete Authorized Usage / Patent Disclosure Request or contact [email protected].