Business Glossary

The MISMO Business Glossary is a business-friendly glossary of terms and definitions representing content from MISMO and non-MISMO sources.  The glossary includes information about common business processes, business events, business terms, calculations, documents, forms and much more. There are over 7,000 terms within the glossary and it continues to grow!

The MISMO eMortgage Glossary has been updated to include approximately 20 new terms and definitions that have been created since prior publication in 2020.  It was updated in collaboration with other industry organizations to help ensure that industry professionals are using consistent language thus helping to reduce friction and increase interoperability. 

    MISMO's Business Glossary Content is derived from the following  sources of content:

    • Data Governance & Management CoP (DGM)
    • LDD Acronym
    • LDD Attribute
    • LDD Document
    • MBA Glossary
    • MISMO (Non-LDD)
    • MISMO eMortgage Glossary
    • MISMO Governing Documents
    • MISMO Life of Loan
    • MISMO Logical Data Dictionary (LDD)

    For more detailed information on the sources please go to the link on the left side of the page.

    Term Types and Focus Areas are included to provide added context for MISMO Business Glossary terms. Term Types and Focus Areas are a way to group related terms. Every term in the Glossary is associated with a single specified Term Type. Further, terms in the Glossary may be assigned one or more Focus Areas.  

    All MISMO and 3rd Party Trademarks recognized in the Business Glossary can be found here.

    MISMO encourages users to send comments/edits/suggestions for the Business Glossary to [email protected].

    Access Information:  

    MISMO Members can access a fully downloadable version of the Business Glossary in the Resource Library housed on MISMO's Collaboration Site, "MISMO Connect" here

    Non-Members can access the Business Glossary here. 

    For additional information, contact us at [email protected].

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