
The MISMO eMortgage standards provide a framework for implementing all aspects of the digital mortgage process.  The work products provided are approved MISMO eMortgage standards.

Several MISMO workgroups are focused on creating and updating eMortgage specifications. Additional information can be found on the eMortgage Workgroup page.

Remote Online Notarization Standards

The RON standards allow the use of audio-visual communication devices to notarize documents in a virtual online environment. For more information click below.

SMART Doc® Version 3

The SMART DOC Version 3 Verifiable profile specification will help you create a pdf document that can be used when there is a requirement to verify that the data matches the information contained in the viewable image of the document.  This product can help you facilitate automated validation that the data and the related document have not been modified. 

 SMART Doc® Components

An electronic document created to conform to a specification standardized by MISMO. A SMART Doc® can lock together data and presentation in such a way that it can be system-validated to guarantee the integrity of the document.

eModification Reference Guide

MISMO's eModification Reference Guide is an easy-to-read reference for identifying whether eModifications are permitted by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or Ginnie Mae. For more information click above. 

eMortgage Glossary

MISMO's eMortgage Glossary contains defined terms that are intended to provide a general vocabulary for eMortgages. For more information click above. 

eMortgage Closing Guide

The eMortgage Closing Guide describes general eClosing concepts, provides general guidelines for electronic closing platforms and services, and explains the legal framework surrounding electronic closing. For more information click above.

eMessaging and Packaging

The purpose of the ePackaging document is to provide a specification for a collection of related SMART Documents, called a package. The eMessaging document provides implementation guidance for the MISMO Request/Response messaging structure for use with eMortgage applications. For more information click above.


This document describes the business requirements to allow for the eRecording of electronic recordable instruments in common electronic document formats such as MISMO SMART Doc®, eSigned PDF and Adobe Intelligent Document Format, and Microsoft® Word with embedded-XML. For more information click above.

eMortgage Vaulting Guide

The purpose of this document is to provide information and guidance for evaluating, implementing, and relying on electronic vaults for storing electronic documents, and in particular, the eNote. For more information click above. 


This compilation, eSigned PDF Guidelines, published by MISMO, provides implementation guidance for creating electronically signed PDF documents using the Adobe PDF specification.


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